Personality and Human Relationships
Personal Growth Programs

Exploring the Transcendent Dimension of My Life
(4 days)
Discover how transcendent experiences influence personal growth
-To help you identify one or several experiences of transcendence
- To discover their impact on the growth of your Being and your entire person
- To learn how to develop a dynamic relationship with the Transcendent within you
- Identify your experiences of transcendence
- Various approaches to help you decipher these experiences.
A substantial amount of time is reserved for allowing one or several transcendent realities to live at the very heart of yourself and to analyse your experience of that moment.
Dates: April 25 - 28, 2019
Time: 9am - 5pm
Cost: $565/$485 conc.
Venue: Mt. Waverley, VIC
Register by: Friday April 12, 2019
A deposit of $100 is required to secure a place in this workshop.