Personality and Human Relationships
Personal Growth Programs

Personal Methodical Growth Program
Setting Personal Growth Objectives for 2015
Are you interested in doing the PRH Personal Methodical Growth Program for 2015?
In this program you set personal objectives for yourself for the year.
During the year we meet in a group regularly to feel supported in achieving these objectives.
I also work with people via Skype if they live interstate or overseas!
Contact Zofia via our contact form or call (03) 9807 8351 for more information.
This is what participant Ethne wrote recently after having completed one year of the program:
“It is satisfying to see and enumerate the steps I have taken to make progress. As I look back, I am surprised at some of the things I have managed to do, as 12 months ago, it just didn’t seem possible and was all too overwhelming. There is a sense of things falling into place when the time is right.”
Dates: Feb 15, April 19, June 21, July 19, Aug 16, Sept 20 & Oct 18
Time: 1pm - 4pm (First and last meetings 9am - 5pm)
Venue: Mt. Waverley
Cost: $405
A deposit of $100 is required to secure a place.